

Doritis: Stem-Root Rot, Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.

Hobby Orchids: Pests and Diseases, No. 1


Author: SRISUDA THOTHONG E-mail: thothongsri@gmail.com

1. Doritis: Stem-Root Rot, Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. In rainy, Doritis is blooming, but growing media is moist that favorable for stem-root rot disease. The symptom of this disease on orchids is rotting of leaf bases and roots with white mycelium (figure 1.). Small spherical orange and white sclerotia can be observed on stem and charcoal growing media (figure 2.). Fungicides are recommended for commercial fields, but household disinfectant is easy to apply for hobby growing. Applications of parachlorometacresol 4% W/V by spraying on plants and potting media can reduce the formation sclerotia (figure 3.).


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2) Bag, T. K. 2003. Two New Orchid Hosts of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. from India.New disease report. Plant Pathology Section, ICAR, India.

3) Burnett, H. C. 1965. Southern blight on orchids. Plant Pathology Circular No.39, Florida Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry.

4) Chutima Vithoonjit, Ampaiwan Paradornuwat, Supaporn Klinkong, and Chitrapan Piluek. 2007. Investigation on Orchid Dry Rot: Morphology of S. rolfsii Sacc., Disease Causing Agent and Attempt on Antagonistic Fungi. Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University.

5) DECC. 2002. Stem rot and blight - Sclerotium rolfsii.

6) Ferreira, S. A. and R. A. Boley. 1992. Crop Knowledge Master: Sclerotium rolfsii, southern blight, southern wilt... (Plant Disease Pathogen). Department of plant pathology, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

7) Pratt, T. B., R. T. McMillan,Jr., and W.R. Graves. 2003. Sclerotium rolfsii southern blight on Brassidium hybrid orchid. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 116: 195-196.

8) USDA. 2009. What is Sclerotinia (White Mold). USA.

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